Sunday, May 21, 2006

Diane Arbus Revelations

“Nothing is ever the same as they said it was.
It’s what I’ve never seen before that I recognize.”

About two months back, I had the opportunity to witness the legendary collection of Diane Arbus’ work. This exhibition catalogue has also been published as one of the four books of her work.

Some of the photographs were really amazing. Diane Arbus photographed a variety, but freaks are what she concentrated on. In the exhibition, I also got to read some of her hand scribbled thoughts in her personal diary/planner. It was perplexing to read how invincible she was for her passion. The boldness of her subject matter and photographic approach were recognised as revolutionary. Not only were displayed over 200 photographs (making it the most complete presentation of her work ever assembled), but also were there her cameras, contact sheets, letters, notebooks, and other well as books from her personal library.


“I want to photograph the considerable ceremonies of our present because we tend while living here and now to perceive only what is random and barren and formless about it. While we regret that the present is not like the past and despair of its ever becoming the future, its innumerable inscrutable habits lie in wait for their meaning…These are our symptoms and our monuments. I want simply to save them, for what is ceremonious and curious and commonplace will be legendary”

I was particularly shocked (a lil numb) when I read those few words from her diary when she tries to describe her hotel room where she was staying. The way she describes everything that is very much static and dumb around her to be so noisy and annoying for her; somehow those words made sense to me. The world around all of us is very much the same; but to reason out or accept why it appears vastly different to some people is intimidating.

Arbus was also attacked by critics and her contribution to art remains controversial. She committed suicide in 1971.

“A Photograph is a secret about a secret.
The more it tells you the less you know.”

Quotes from Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph