Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Castells

Castells is the catalonian word meaning Castles (human towers). I must say I was lucky enough to have got an opportunity to catch this excitement live.

I particularly was held in awe when I saw the needle formation. The highest that I saw was of height 9. It was just spectacular. Hope you can feel the excitement statically with these pictures.

Right Below : Needle Formation in progress (Other team). Notice the people in the middle, which will later be the part of the needle as the cocoon of the surrounding castellers sheds off later. Teamwork incarnated.

Left Above : The cocoon shedding off. Excitement building up. :-)

Right Above : The one of height 9 (attempt in progress, which was later successful). I have no words to describe how amazing it was. Building a real 9 storey high structure is an irrefutable achievement for any castellers team.

Had a good time on a otherwise lazy and hot sunday afternoon. Check out this link of the team Castellers de Barcelona.