Thursday, October 12, 2006

Simply shore...

It’s quite a question for me: Why can’t past be undone (not in deed but in its effect)? Each one of us has had some bad experiences in life, why is it so difficult to just come over them and live life to its fullest in the present? If it’s supposed to take just a little more will-power, why is it that most of us are not able to do it? Why the brain isn’t wired in such a way that you remember only the pleasant ordeals (damn it!:P)? I know I am asking too much. :-P Why cant everything be just as simple as the shore?

Looking at the white foamy waves hitting the shore incessantly, indomitably, today suddenly reminded me of these lines. I love being at the beach. My mind is so much at peace when I am at the shore. The wonderful sight of a lone sail boat slowly fading away off the horizon…waves hitting shore incessantly…coy clouds mollycoddling each other…gentle breeze refreshing you in and out…and as the sun recedes to its abode, the princess of night making its presence felt with the silver twinkling over the dark water. The sky sprinkling a continuum of shades dynamically to welcome Her Majesty, it’s just too heavenly. And that’s precisely when I re-iterate-“Life is beautiful”:-)

Current Mood: Pacified
Song I am listening to: Jewel Spirit –What’s simple is true