Loved today's doodle on the Google web page. Hovering the mouse over and over again just for the fun of it. Check out all other Google doodles at the archive here. Also check out the latest of Google's websites - Google Green.
The drift of corporations going green / carbon-neutral is a good news by all means. Some Interesting content for this special day :
The drift of corporations going green / carbon-neutral is a good news by all means. Some Interesting content for this special day :
- Some of the few business giants which are self-proclaimed carbon neutral include Google, Dell, ING Group and PepsiCo (PepsiCo? Really ?!)
- Here is a list of carbon-neutral companies from a refreshing wordpress. Of particular interest to me is to see a gradual drift (in the recent years) in the corporate world towards monetizing on the business opportunity of " helping organizations become green ".