Friday, April 07, 2006

Love is...

I am not sure if many people are aware of this beautiful strip (updated daily except one) - The Love is...on Comics Page.

I love these gifs and involuntarily check these daily every morning :) I think its just a perfect gift for your love to remind him/her that you are indebted. :D What came to me as even a sweeter surprise was to see the gifs in spanish as well. It a bliss to have the gifs befitting your mood on some days.

Have you sent your love this gif today? :P

Link to the Love is...strip.


Anshumania said...

How were u introduced to these comic ( b-( )strips ?

Indu Bhagat said...

I think I told you that one of my friends used to send these to me. I guess you know that person's name too! :P

El Germen said...

When I was a child they used to come along with some yoghourts. And they were in Spanish, but as far as I remember they used to say "Love is..." instead of "Amor es...".

It seems that the current person in control of the company that draws "Love is" is the son of Kim Casali and Roberto... the second name looks like the name of a Spanish speaking person..., but no one ever knows... a name is only a name...