Saturday, August 26, 2006

Quantum Physics et al

If you have had a chance to chit chat wiht any physicist ever, then this is something that you would have already heard of. Quantum Physics, the physics of probability (really!?). It is sufficiently wierd, yet acceptable. Whenever I read anything even remotely based on Quantum Physics, I am more than overwhelmed by the explanations that Quantum physics provides as it infalllibly shakes my understanding.

If you do the mathematics using Quantum, you will be bound to conclude that moon (humongous large body - the star of the night since my childhood) has a non-zero probablity of going around and visiting other planets when you are not looking at it. Once you look at it, it pops into existence. This is what Quantum physics says, everything around you has a non-zero probability of not being there when you are not looking at it. But once you look at it, it pops up and says "Hey, look, u fool, I am real!". Only when it bangs its head against something real, it is real. wow! thats wierd!

Wondering about the heisenberg's uncertainity principle, have you ever also thought that how can the reaction of measurement be so instantaneous? A concept quiet out-of-the-box is Entanglement.Gee...two quantum particles can be so well-associated that knowledge about one is enough to measure the other.

Grass on the other side looks greener. Physics in its purist form, sometimes lures the hell out of me. I also want to see if Schrodinger's Cat is alive. So if you have some interesting reads related to Quantum physics, do pour them on here.

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