Sunday, June 21, 2009

El Arte no tiene Patria

Art has no fatherland - Incribed on the walls of the Hall of Mirrors of Theatre Liceu.

A dreamy philospher went today to two beautiful concert halls at subsidised rates as its the World Music Day today - 1. Teatre Liceu and 2. Palau de la Musica Catalana (in photos). There is this peculiarly unique combination of serenity and resplendence inside a concert hall which always amazes me. Each of these concert halls has a personality and a character of its own.

The grandeur of music is totally discernible in both the concert halls. Every nook and corner has been meticulously designed to bring that complete essence of music unto you- Music which makes you dream your own world into reality; Music that lets you -sing- the song of life.

Music really is the epitome of purity and omnipresence, isnt it? It is what your soul sings; probably that's why all the religious cults have devotional music to relate to God. Particularly stark is the sound (and symbol) of Om (Aum) in Hinduism. Essentially, it would not be an exaggeration to say that this sound forms the spirit of Hinduism! Quoting Bhagwat Gita (Song of God) -

Uttering the monosyllable Aum, the eternal world of Brahman, One who departs leaving the body (at death), he attains the superior goal.

God aside, nature itself creates music all the time. My piano tutor used to tell the students that before you even know any syllable of music, you must know that to learn music, you have to learn to feel it. If you cannot feel music, you cannot learn music. Very cliché but quite fundamental as well.

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