Saturday, January 21, 2006


Well, I should have posted something here around 15 January 2006, the day which marked a month of my stay in Barcelona! :P

Apart from the teething problems, I think life here should be easy. The days are passing by without my knowledge...hectic week days, and a lil dull weekends at times. I am looking forward to making some gala time, memories that I can cherish all through. But a void in some form will still remain. And yes, travelling with the turk flight wasn't that bad an experience. I have received compensation for the luggage delay, even when it took me around 4 weeks to fax the required documents. I had been told a majority of airlines are a bit orthodox with the compensation stuff. I won't mind travelling again with the same flight even ;) (assuming that I get compensation again)

Right now, listening to Welcome to my Life - Simple Plan. This song has it...

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